Construction Contracts Administration oversees the Reserve Contract Program for consultants and construction contractors. It also includes master contracts for floor covering and abatement.
Reserve Program RFQ FAQs
The Reserve Contract does not authorize or guarantee any services or scope, nor does the Reserve Contract authorize any compensation.
Reserve Supplement means a written, fully executed, supplementary agreement to the Reserve Contract between the consultant or contractor and OSU describing the services or the scope, compensation for said services or scope, insurance requirements and other obligations of the parties.
A.) Go to and select the Reserve Program RFP for either Construction Related Services or Professional Consulting Services.
A.) Yes, you will need to register for a new account to join the Reserve Program. Please read the full RFQ, all directions are contained within.
A.) Unfortunately, we are unable to consider any negotiations to the reserve contract.
A.) Revisions to the reserve contract will be rare. Any revisions to the reserve contract will be executed by a mutually agreed upon amendment between OSU and the contractor.
A.) Yes, you may use OSU projects as references, but we would prefer you use references outside of OSU.